Many are in fear right now, but GOD is doing a mighty workin our midst. In this time of great turmoil and trouble….over the wholeworld….there is a movement building that will cause the greatest revival theworld has ever seen. For in this time of forced quiet, with familiar comfortsremoved, Holy Spirit is moving mightily. What does Holy Spirit do? He convictsthe world of sin, righteousness and judgment. He reveals and magnifies Jesus.He shows us what is in our hearts, then brings the light of the love of God,causing us to turn to Him in gratitude for His goodness and mercy.
Our fears and our idols are being exposed and removed as God’s precious saving power comes in like a flood when we are naked and bare before Him, repentant and broken. In our desperation, the Loving Father that He is rushes in to save, heal, deliver, and comfort us in ways many have never known – because we are quieted before Him and now our ears our open to His still, small voice. Prayers are going forth as never before seen, unprecedented numbers reaching the Throne of Heaven.
Rejoice, for the time is at hand for the Kingdom to comeforth as never seen before. There is a great upheaval of all the world’sstructures where we held false security, and the only true security in the handof God is being made known. He is being seen as the One upon the Throne! TheHoly and Righteous One! Watch as the restructuring takes place in every sphereand every mountain of influence.
The Spirit of the Living God is revealing the Lord andspeaking personally and privately to individuals all over the world. He ismoving upon the nations, bringing dreams and visions of the deep things of God.The hidden things of God - magnificent mysteries - are being revealed.
The people of God are being strengthened in their inner manas never before, no longer running from place to place looking to get fed amorsel that satisfies for a time. Now they are gleaning the field of Hislimitless supply for themselves, a never-ending source of satisfaction – theBread of Life and Living Water that comes from the presence of the Lord and HisLiving Word. Dig deep, for when you come forth into the highways and byways,there will be an outpouring from deep wells to feed the hungry, heal the sick,cast out demons and save the souls of the lost; for the Presence of the Lordwill move as never before from this time of turmoil.
From this inpouring of His Spirit upon individuals shallcome forth the greatest outpouring ever seen, and no man or group can get thecredit; GOD ALMIGHTY will get ALL the Glory!
“Look among the nations and watch— Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you.” (Habakkuk 1:5, KJV)
March 21, 2020