If you are going through a trial, I have a word from theLord for you – “Things are not as they seem; I am resurrecting dreams!” 

My husband and I recently went through one of the mostharrowing trials we have experienced together in our 25 years of marriage,second only to one in which I nearly died.  In the intensity of this current battle, I wasvery aware that this was a pivotal moment for the future of our ministry andmarriage. I sensed that it was, “We’re all in or it’s all over!”

Personally, we are in the process of taking new ground, and myhusband was facing some giants that threatened to terminate God’s plans. It wasthe same tactics used in the past to detour and delay. The enemy spews his liesto bring paralysis and make you want to give up!

I did all that I knew to do – reasoning, exhortation, declaringGod’s word, and praying in the natural and in the Spirit. I sent out a requestfor intercessory reinforcements. The Holy Spirit began to show me the spiritualforces at work and I could see clearly the gravity of this trial. I saw avision of my husband standing on the edge of a precipice. My hands were tied bythe Lord. I was stricken; I immediately let it all go completely andsurrendered to His presence. In just a few moments, my husband accepted thestretching involved in taking the new land.

I was led into an intense experience where I was immediatelyin His presence and enveloped in His holiness. I went down on the floor,weeping, and entered the consecrated moment. In the spirit, I saw us as white translucentbeings. We were like balloons with human shape, but faceless and not fully formed.We began to be deflated and sank to the ground, then the Lord blew His breathinto us. We arose, and as we released His breath it became swords made ofwords. Kingdom carriers! I was reminded of John 20:19-22.

"Then the same day at evening, being the firstday of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembledfor fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them,Peace be unto you. And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands andhis side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. Then said Jesusto them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send Iyou. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them,Receive ye the Holy Ghost:" (John 20:19-22 KJV)

The disciples were meeting out of fear; this was not a worshipmeeting. They were distraught and hopeless; their dreams seemed dead. There aretimes when in our desperation, in hopelessness, when it all seems dead andgone, the LORD comes and breathes new life into us for the resurrection ofdreams into new assignments…that which He intended all along. The Lord issaying to many, “Things are not as they seem; I am resurrecting dreams!”

Resurrection brings multiplication! The disciplescould not understand the need for Jesus to go to the cross. They couldn’t wraptheir minds around it. “Get thee behind me, Satan,” Jesus said to Peter when hevoiced his opposition. God had a vision of the Body of Christ much bigger thanwhat they could perceive in the natural, and their understanding and perceptionof what it would look like had to die first. If Jesus hadn’t died, there wouldhave been no resurrection or outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and God’s plan forthe Church to make known to the principalities and powers His manifold wisdom wouldnot be happening.

Tell your flesh and soul, get thee behind me! The mind ofthe flesh brings fleshly perceptions and causes our filter to be faulty! Everythought, every desire not lining up with where He wants to take you, lay it onthe altar and let His fire burn; trust Him with the resurrection!

My husband had to fight and gain victory in his battle. Ihad been the stronger one, the forerunner, and thankfully the Lord used what Ihad gone through previously to give me wisdom on what was happening, andstrategy on what I could and could not do. There are many that are goingthrough trials right now because the Lord is resurrecting and restructuring ministriesto bring multiplication and advancement! We are in an acceleration period,for the time is at hand to take new land, yet we need to stay in His peace andperfect timing for the ministry to be of His Spirit.

Resurrection of relationships. Relationships willchange – personal, business, ministry. The truth is that when a personundergoes change, their relationships will have to die to the old way of doingthings and be resurrected in a new form to continue. Many never fully pursueGod’s calling for fear of conflict in, or loss of, relationships.

Many years ago, as I was considering attending a hands-on,five-fold ministry Bible College, I was fearful of how it would affect mymarriage if I started “doing the works.” I spoke with one of the leaders, whoassured me that if I stepped out into the fullness of my calling, it wouldspark that flame to life in my husband also. That’s exactly what happened! Stepout in faith and obedience and watch God move in others’ lives. There may besome turmoil for a season, but trust God even if it doesn’t look like you thinkit should. God knows what each of us needs to bring us into what He hasordained for our lives.

"And we know that all things work together for goodto them that love God, to them who are the called according to hispurpose." (Romans 8:28 KJV)

Trust God; don’t worry!  In the midst of this battle, I had a dreamwhere I received a phone call from a woman who said she had a word from theLord for me. It was “Don’t worry!”  Itwas a NOW word for me. I have stood on the scriptures about do not worry, donot fear, take no care for your life, etc., many times when I was in worry andfear. But this is a Rhema word from the Lord for right now! DON’T WORRY! Jesustells us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and allthese other things will be added unto us.  Thisis a time of Kingdom advancement, and we must be Kingdom minded. We serve aKing, we are ambassadors of His Kingdom, being sent in His Name, and He willsupply all of our needs! Do not worry, do not fear; you are in your resurrectionyear!

Divine transactions for greater authority. There willbe many divine transactions in the days ahead. Jesus has already fulfilled the requirements for our full rightfulownership of sonship benefits that we are due. We are in a time of greatshaking, being stripped of all that hinders the fullness of the Kingdom in usand through us! We will see chaos in the world, but also in our personal livesas the Spirit of God shakes our internal structures. Kingdom authority willmanifest after much shaking and shifting (Heb. 12:27). As we consecrateourselves further to the Lord, He entrusts us with more. Christ in us is the hopeof glory; to be full of the glory, everything not revealing His glorymust be removed! Hold on tight; the Spirit of God is rearranging much, forKingdom order is being established!

There WILL be a cost! Advancing the Kingdom maycost you your time and money. These are two key areas that show us where we arein our faith; and can aid or hinder fulfillment of the dreams God has given us.It will cost you comfort and control. You will be stretched into anarena that is not comfortable, costing you to break free of limitations youhave imposed on yourself or others. God is NOT in your box. God is so much bigger,and so is His vision for us. It will cost the highest price – letting God havecontrol!

Areas where we are lax in regard to God’s Kingdom purposeswill be shaken, so that we will be willing to reset prioritiesand boundaries. Those places where we have been sensing the nudging of the HolySpirit we can no longer neglect. It is time for full engagement in being Kingdomminded, diligently seeking the Lord moment by moment to align with what Heis requiring. It’s not about us! It’s about making HIM known!He will open doors beyond what your mind can perceive at the moment. TRUST HIM!Let His fire burn and watch Him resurrect you into His firebrand.

"And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standingbefore the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resisthim. And the LORD said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan; even the LORDthat hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of thefire?" (Zechariah 3:1-2 KJV)

Our confidence, our faith, is not in the dream, but in the LORD Himself. Every trial we experience will bring us face to face with our faith in Him, or lack thereof. Will we say in that Holy moment – “Only You, Lord; I only want You! Even though I don’t see the way; even though my flesh is screaming because you are calling me out of the familiar and comfortable, I lay it all down. I refuse to perceive the present through the filter of negativity and fear, for You are near! I refuse fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of lack; all are based on unbelief and distrust of Your goodness and faithfulness. I take Rom. 12:1; and Heb. 12:28-29 as a double-edged sword and yield my body as a living sacrifice for Your will, Lord. I receive Your grace to do this with reverence and Godly fear. Consume all that is not of you, Lord, in your Holy fire, for You alone are my heart’s desire.”

March 9, 2020


