I don't know about all of you, but the recent mandates for masksin public really bother me. Personally, I feel stifled, gagged; wearing them,it is hard to breathe. Recently, I felt the Holy Spirit remind me of John20:21-22, "So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father hassent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them, andsaid to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.,""
I know nothing can stop the Word of God or the Spirit of God, a mask is only apiece of fabric, BUT. I went out on my porch early that morning (pre-dawn) anddecreed with ALL MY BREATH, that the Breath of God, Ruach HaKo'desh, to breathon all those with Covid-19, His breath of life; to blow His Wind and blow outthis foul breath of death and bring life to all those affected in all ways! Toblow His Wind and drive out the spirit of fear that has gripped the nations;many have stopped breathing as they feel the panic! I was reminded how when Ifeel overwhelmed or momentarily panicked, I hold my breath. I hear the Spiritof the Lord say, “Tell the people, stop! Catch MY breath!”
He reminded me of Ezekiel 37:1-13, where the Spirit of God tells Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones to live. "...Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. (Ezek. 37:9)
There are many that are slain by fear in these days! Will youprophesy with me? Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon theseslain by fear...LIFE and LIFE ABUNDANTLY; decree Breath to those dry places insick bodies - BREATH of LIFE to dry lungs, in the Mighty Name of Yeshua! Hisblood speaks to us of a better covenant and is still speaking today! Send forthYour Word, Lord God, and heal every one taken captive by the enemy in fear orsickness, let Your Kingdom to come to the earth as it is in heaven. Amen!
Breathe in a fresh breath from the Spirit of God and let the Peace of Christ flood your spirit, soul and body! Be full of hope and speak life! The same Jesus who calmed the sea, who healed the sick and raised the dead is still alive and I hear Him saying, “Believe on Me and You will see; set your mind and heart to agree! Receive My breath, I fill you with life and I will set you free.”
April 27, 2020