Jesus reveals the thoughts of our hearts (Lk. 2:35), where we are with God. The religious rulers wanted to be known as great in their own kingdom of religion, to be known as having wisdom and knowledge. Those in government wanted power. Most want their own way, to be their own god and have their idols of pleasure or greed, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes or the pride of life. Even the disciples asked, “who is the greatest?” Some may ask in their hearts - “who is the best looking; who has the most money; who is the smartest; who is the coolest” – wanting to be seen as “god” of something. Jesus goes after that, the thing that keeps us from following God, from letting the Most High be the most high in our hearts and fulfilling His purpose in our lives.JESUSThe wounded He heals,The prideful He lays low,He knows which way our hearts do go,The twists and turns that life has brought,The destruction that it has wrought.He comes to heal, to bring anewThe Father’s perfect will for you.The prideful come to the end of selfAs all their dreams are laid on the shelfOf emptiness and vain regret,The true desire was never met.Only the One who created all thingsHas the Presence to which our heart longs to sing.He is the One we are searching forHe is the Way, the Life, the DoorTo our greatest fulfillment,The desire of our heart,For He was there at the very start.He is, and there is no other,Not Father or Mother,Nor sister or brother,Not King or Queen,Not the finest lover.All will fail and fall asideFor we are created to be His Bride.All else pales in His PresenceOur hearts cannot help but give Him reverence.As we see Him face to faceWhen comes the end of the earthly raceAnd we enter the eternal, no time or spaceWe will see and know and fully embraceThe One who is all Truth and Grace.Yet the time is at hand,Even now, to turn,And see The One for whom our heart yearns.Do not turn away or runWhen He exposes your heartTo the light of His Son.Look to Him; His love pours outEmbrace Him, He will envelop all doubt.Take the step of faith towards HimLeave behind the weight of sin,Turn to Him and enter in.His love will fill that place you hide,The wounds that are so deep inside.Come, receive His love today;Surrender, it is the only wayTo find what you’ve been searching for.Enter in, He is the Door.


