"Itis the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to searchout a matter." (Proverbs 25:2 KJV)

“And Iwill give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places,that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the Godof Israel." (Isaiah 45:3 KJV)

I am hearingthat this is a time to be seeking out the treasures of darkness. We are seeing greatexposure of darkness, as God is shining His light to bring forth His justiceand His order to be established. There are hidden riches of Truth He isadmonishing us to find, and treasures of wisdom and revelation He desires togive.  We are to use great discernment,as well as trusting that God will give wisdom to those that ask.

" Ifany of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally,and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." (James 1:5 KJV)

Even as we see the enemies of God spouting lies and accusations, we can use wisdom to know that the enemy is fearful because He knows that the Kingdom of God is expanding and the Glory of God is rising. The devil will do all that he can to cover the truth with a lie, to try and subvert all that God is bringing forth, and to attempt to delay and derail God’s plans. But God gives wisdom for us to see what is happening and look for the hidden riches in the secret place, the treasures of darkness that are to be found and brought forth.

If the enemyis bringing division, we can step out boldly in faith that God is bringing aunity forth among His people in the spirit that is bringing great fear to theenemy’s camp. If the enemy is bringing debauchery and perversity, then we canknow that God desires to bring forth His Holiness and the purity of the Brideas never before, for the light shines brightest in the darkest of nights. Pure,holy oil is what the Lord is after. A people set apart for Himself, emptied ofpride and ambition, that He be seen as the Most High God over all the earth.

In Strong’sConcordance, the word treasures in the Hebrew language means a depository:—an armory,cellar, garner, storehouse, treasure-house, treasury. There are weapons Helongs to give us for the battle at hand, as well as the garners from thestorehouses - the provision to establish the Kingdom.

Also fromStrong’s Concordance, the meaning of the word darkness in this verse includes misery,destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness: obscurity.

Are you personallyin darkness; misery; sorrow; obscurity? There are treasures that the Lorddesires to give you in this place. They are hidden in the secret place. I hearHim calling your name, saying, “I hear your heart cry, and I am here. Do notfear, for I am near. Your need is drawing My love towards you, and I am waitingfor you to turn fully to Me so that I can fill every empty place. Look to Meand I will show you the hidden riches that are only found in darkness. Therehas been a veil over your eyes and mind from the expectations of the lastseason that were not met. I say to you that those places of fallow ground havenow been broken open and the seeds that were long buried, even seeds that youhave forgotten, are now coming forth for harvest. There are treasures andsecrets that can only be found in Me. They are coming forth from My heavenlystorehouse, and to you only will I grant access, for these treasures are thestrategies and provision for your life. You must come near My heavenlythrone; for these are fitted for you alone.”

“Look to me,and you will see. There are treasures within you, seeds of destiny that Iplanted in your spirit before you were sent forth from eternity to the earth.Christ in you is the hope of glory, and now is the time for His life in you tocome forth in fullness of glory. What you thought was dead and buried is comingforth from the tomb into the light of a new day. And there are even greatertreasures, more than can be measured, that will follow in the days to come. Forthis is the season of new things, and a new order is being established. Theprovision is yet before you and will be revealed as you set Me first in theorder of each day and set a guard around your heart to entrust all that you areand all that you have to Me. For I have begun a good work and I will befaithful to complete it. I will give you the wisdom and resources that arenecessary to fulfill all that I have destined for your life. You are a carrierof My glory, an ambassador of My Kingdom, and all that I have is yours.”

There is an armyof pure ones rising, set-apart carriers of His glory, and the enemy wants tokeep you bound in the darkness of depression, despondency and lack. BUT GOD hascalled you to a life of virtue and honor, a life filled with abundance, andoverflowing the banks of your borders with blessing that floods the lives ofall that come into your (and His) presence. Now is the time of harvest, now isthe time of abundance of blessing. There are keys for the Kingdom that He hasfor your personal life and for the corporate Body and the treasures arewaiting, for the time is at hand. Arise in faith, and let the light of HisTruth flood your whole being with His light. He will reveal the treasures ofdarkness and hidden riches found in the secret place. Now is the time to seek Himand bring forth all that He has prepared for His glory in this season!

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." (Jeremiah 33:3 KJV)

August 11, 2019


