"Behold, I [am] the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" (Jer 32:27 KJV)
We have all been in intense trials and testing since March.Personally, my husband and I have had to stand in faith during great oppositionto what we believed the Lord had told us He was doing. There were delays, setbacksand even seeming defeat. It was truly a testing of our faith! In the midst, wecontinued to trust God and speak what He had said, although in the natural itseemed ludicrous and impossible. There is nothing impossible with God!If He has said it, He will do it. Though it tarry, wait for it; at theappointed time, it will come!
Over the last weeks, I have been hearing, “Watch and see theturnaround. I am turning things around; trust in Me, it will be a quick work;watch and see.”
"Behold yeamong the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for [I] will work awork in your days, [which] ye will not believe, though it be told [you]."(Hab 1:5 KJV)
As I sought the Lord, He reminded me of the necessity ofdeclaring what He says – especially when what we see is not what Hesays. It’s hard not to confess the circumstances that we see, repeating whatthe media says, going into agreement with negativity and doubt. I hear the Lord saying, “Believe Me anddeclare my goodness in the land of the living!”
The eve of September 18 we enter the new Hebraic year of 5781,and I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that this will be a year of fullness,new beginnings of the eternal realm. Eight represents new beginnings and onerepresents the unity of the Godhead, the eternal One, and firsts. The year 5781will mark the beginning of many firsts; new beginnings with blueprints from theeternal realm into the natural; those things that God formed in eternity to bebrought forth into the earth realm for such a time as this. You have had spiritualglimpses that brought a hunger to your being and you have not yet seen – now isthe time for the birthing. The Spirit of the Living God is breathing life intothose hidden dreams, uncovering the veils and revealing what was for what shallbe!
September is the ninth month and 18 is double nines. Ninerepresents fullness of time and birthing. We have experienced many birth pains,and still are; our groanings have been heard in the heavenlies. We have seenmuch “breeching” as things are turned upside down in many arenas, but theSpirit of God says, “I am turning things around! My Son shall receive Hisinheritance!”
"I willdeclare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou [art] my Son; this dayhave I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give [thee] the heathen [for]thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth [for] thypossession." (Psa 2:7-8 KJV)
We have been contending, and continue to contend for what isrightfully ours as children of the King, but we are not alone! The heavenly hostof the Most High God has been sent forth and the Captain of the angelic armiessays:
"But thussaith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and theprey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him thatcontendeth with thee, and I will save thy children." (Isa 49:25 KJV)
A few weeks ago as I was praying, I heard, "Trust inthe LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness."(Ps. 37:3 NKJV) Many will remember the old announcements on TV – “This is atest; it is only a test.” The test was of the emergency broadcast system, to besure the system of alerts was working. We are in a time of testing of ourfaith in His faithfulness! This is only a test – do not change the dial! Staytuned to the voice of the Lord! Position yourself in faith – the turnaround iscoming!
This is a test, but it is one of enormous and criticalconsequences. Sheep and goat nations are being revealed, wheat and tares; wemust not be caught unaware. Stay focused and alert, discerning the times. Theenemy is on a rampage, spewing a smokescreen of subterfuge to cause fear, chaosand confusion. Let not your faith be altered by illusion! The Lord says, “Trustin Me and do good; dwell in the land and feed on My faithfulness!” Feed onMy faithfulness; remind yourself of His goodness and mercy, Hislong-suffering, His triumphs in your life in those trials you have already beenthrough!
As I further sought the Lord, He showed me a picture ofan object spinning so fast it was blur. I heard “centrifugal force” and “stayin the core – be one with ME – and you will find your balance.”
Centrifugal force, according to Merriam Webster, is aphysics term describing a force that causes an object moving in a circular pathto move out and away from the center of its path. The enemy’s onslaught hascaused many to spin out and away from faith. Hold on tight – to the Truth ofthe goodness and faithfulness of God. He has not changed, His word has notchanged, and His purpose and plans have not changed! He is ever working tobring about His purposes; watch and see the great turnaround that is upon us;stay in faith. God is contending against the enemy for you, and nothing is toohard for Him!
Stand firm on the solid Rock of Ages that will never crumble. Though the world is shaking and mountains quaking, His foundation is firm. I hear, “Trust in Me; turn until with eyes of faith you can see. Be ready, watch as I turn things around; let My goodness fill and abound. I am raising up new structures of eternal making, rising now; can you feel the rumbling and shaking? Let Me establish My order, for the day is at hand, for the citizens of My Kingdom to inherit the land.”
September 13, 2020