Mid-summer 2018 I experienced a miracle which the Lord didnot allow me to share publicly until now, because He says that NOW is the yearfor the birthing of new wine miracles. This was the first miracle that Jesusperformed. This will be a year of birthing firsts, where the usual ways of doingthings will not work and transformational miracles of such magnitude will occurthat you be in awe, wonder and the fear of the Lord at His greatness andsovereignty.
In the account in John 2:1-11, the water is turned intowine…wine of which the governor of the feast “knew not whence it was (but theservants which drew the water knew).” Thayer’s Greek Lexicon describes thephrase “knew not whence it was” as meaning not knowing the origin, or source,the author or giver. The governor of the feast was one who able to discern bytaste, sight and smell which vineyard produced the wine. This was no ordinarywine. Holy Spirit showed me that the miracles that will be seen this year willbe such that there will be no possible source but GOD!
Water becoming wine was a transformational miracle showingGod’s greatness and goodness, and that is what I experienced as well. I love gardening,especially plants that are fragrant. Some years ago I purchased a lily at a gardenclub sale. It was not blooming and did not state what the color would be or ifit was fragrant. I took a chance, hoping for my favorite type – the pinkoriental lilies with exceptional fragrance. When it bloomed, I wasdisappointed. It was orange with black stripes and no fragrance. Nonetheless, Ikept it and it flourished, multiplying each year. A few years later, Ipurchased a fragrant pink oriental lily. Mid-summer 2018 I had a total of sixpots of lilies – four orange non-fragrant and two fragrant pink. When theybloomed, all six were pink oriental lilies…not an orange one in the bunch, andall fragrant. How? Why? The ONLY explanation I had was that God knew what Iliked and blessed me with this miraculous, extravagant, unexplainable (ONLYGOD) miracle!!! I am clearly hearingthat this is a year where God is going to move in sudden and unexpected ways, showingoff His goodness and greatness, where it will be said, “Only God can do that!”
As I was studying the water to wine miracle and seeking theLord’s wisdom, He gave me revelation for the year 2019.
"And the third day there was a marriage in Cana ofGalilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: And both Jesus was called, and hisdisciples, to the marriage." (John 2:1-2 KJV)
The water to wine miracle occurred on the third day of Jesus's ministry. Third day represents resurrection and birthing of the spiritual. There were three who witnessed Jesus in glory on the mount of transfiguration, Jesus was raised on the third day, the three members of the Godhead, Jesus began His ministry at 30 and completed it in three years. This is a nine year, which is three threes. Holy Spirit impressed upon me the account of Abraham experiencing a visitation where three is significant. It is listed in a later section.
"And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saithunto him, They have no wine. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to dowith thee? mine hour is not yet come. His mother saith unto the servants,Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it." (John 2:3-5 KJV)
This will be a year where relationships will shift, alignedinto Kingdom order for the purposes of God to come forth. I believe that Jesussaw that Mary was perceiving the spiritual shift that had occurred at Hisbaptism, and that her request was not coming from her role as His mother. Ibelieve that His saying, “mine hour is not yet come” was a testing of that, andher response to direct the servants, “Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it” confirmedthat this was, in fact, the case. What I am hearing is that in this year theanointing that is within us is going to be pulled upon in unexpected situationsand by unexpected people.
This will be a year where we cannot rely on what we know,what has worked in the past, but only on what we hear by the Spirit of God asHe relays the words of instruction that will birth the miraculous. We will need to stay alert to the divineopportunities that are orchestrated for the goodness of God to be poured out. Tosee transformational miracles such as water to wine, we must be quick to respondwhen we perceive the Spirit of God moving. Jesus was quick to respond to thedivine opportunity presented, even though He stated, “mine hour is not yetcome.” This year there will be many divine “interruptions” requiring a quickresponse.
The first instance of the word “quickly” in the Bible is Gen.18:6, where Abraham was resting in his tent at noon and saw three men appear. Hehad recently received the word from the Lord that Sarah would bear a sonaccording to promise. Abraham was alert spiritually even though he was restingat noonday.
When the three men appeared to him (another “three”) he knewit was the Lord! His spirit was quickened at the appearance of the three and heran to meet them, asking them to stay. He asked Sarah to quickly make a meal for them. The visit resulted in the Lordconfirming to Abraham the word he had received and declaring the same to Sarah."Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will returnunto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son."(Genesis 18:14 KJV)
This is a year where many of the words you have received willbe birthed. You will hear Holy Spirit repeating over and over, “Is any thingtoo hard for the LORD?” Be encouraged, be alert, be ready to move quickly.
"His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saithunto you, do it." (John 2:5 KJV)
Jesus Himself tells us that He only did what He saw theFather doing (Jn. 5:19) and only spoke what the Father said (Jn. 8:38,12:49-50, 14:10). He and the Father are One, and Jesus prayed in John 17:21-23that we would be One with them, in the glory. Saul lost the Kingdom through incompleteobedience (1 Sam. 15). This is a year where kingdoms will fall and the Kingdomof God will rise in their place. The Lord is shifting kingdoms and bringingorder – those with a heart after His will rise into positions of authority.
PURE VESSELS - "And there were set there sixwaterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containingtwo or three firkins apiece." (John 2:6 KJV)
Over the last months, Holy Spirit has been strongly emphasizingthe need for purity, for true holiness – recognizing that we are created forGod and His purposes, set apart and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. When we recognizethat we are His and live alert to His presence, others will see the Lord intheir midst. These six vessels were consecrated for the tradition of pouringout water for the washing of hands and feet as people entered from the streetor they prepared to eat. These six vessels represent us as vessels throughwhich rivers of living water flow out to others. We are set apart for theMaster’s use, washed by the water of the Word of God.
A Recent Shocking Dream– “I will have a White Christmas this year.”
In the process of writing this word, I was hesitating aboutemphasizing purity in relation to the new wine. I then had a very strange dreamwhere the Lord spoke clearly to me that I was to include it. In the dream,there was a very robust chef, ruddy cheeked, curlicue hair on top of his baldhead, checkered shirt, holding a silver platter. In the middle of the platter wasa head. I heard clearly, “I will havea White Christmas this year.” I immediately asked the Lord, “What do you mean,you don’t even celebrate Christmas.” He said, no, but you do, and so does most of My Church. And I want you to get upright now (it was 3:30 a.m.) and write about it, and knew you would need ashocking dream in order to do it.” This is what I heard by the Holy Spirit:
“You will see the false beheaded this year; I am purifying Mychurch and Jesus will now be the Head. Iam removing the leaven brought in through worship of the queen of heaven (Jer.7:18; 44:17-19, 25). The sword of My word will lay her low; no more my peopletossing to and fro. Many held captivewill be set free; new wine will pour forth and many will see.
My new wine will be sweet, having been purified, emptied fromvessel to vessel, all sediment removed, no longer leaving a taste of “self.”(Jer. 48:11) Others who drink will taste of Me alone and see that I am good.
I am serving the best wine, stored up for these last days.Even as John the Baptist was beheaded for exposing sin (Matt. 14:11) the bloodof my prophets will be avenged. I am stirring up a Holy fire among My prophetsand they will proclaim with boldness the truth and slay the enemy with the swordof My word. Jezebel caused Elijah to run from her threats of death. My prophetsare being set free from fear, for MY voice will be loud in their ear. The bloodof pure wine will be served this year. For there is a pressing that has beenand will be even more, for there is great reward in store. I am pouring outvisions from my throne that will keep your eyes on Me alone, seek me when underthe pressure you groan.
My wine will pour forth and many will drink, in amazementthey will think, “What is the origin of this new wine? There has never been ataste so fine.” My Bride will proclaim the Bridegroom My Son, and you will seeMy Glory come.””
"Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water.And they filled them up to the brim. And he saith unto them, Draw out now, andbear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it." (John 2:7-8 KJV)
The water was turned to wine after the vessels were filled tothe brim with water. We need to be full of the Holy Spirit, overflowing withliving water. As we are pressed upon, sensitive to the movement of the Spirit,the demand of faith by others will cause the Spirit of God to flow from us andnew wine miracles will be birthed! I am hearing, “Even as the woman with theissue of blood pressed in to My Son and virtue poured forth from Him, in thedays to come I am stirring faith to rise that will cause many to open theireyes. My people will be pressed and look to Me, and My spirit will flow forth asnew wine, you will see.”
This will be a year where religiosity and rules will betransformed into spontaneous, inexplainable new wine miracles bringing Glory toGod. This year we will experience freedom as never before, relying not on ourown understanding, experience or even what we have seen others do. Miracleswill come forth as we are simply living life, even in the commonplace(gardening) where God will show you how much He loves you, and build your faithfor the miraculous. The water to wine miracle happened at a time when Jesus andHis five disciples were simply attending the wedding, they had no special role.There is freedom in enjoying life and trusting God to move when He wants, simply being available andready.
The new wine is found in the cluster (Is. 65:8). I am hearingthat many more miracles will happen in gatherings outside of the “churchbuilding” than in. The church is leaving the building! Many house gatheringswill form and in the small gatherings true intimacy and growth will occur. Newwine miracles will be a natural result of needs arising and God supplying.
"When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water thatwas made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew thewater knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom," (John 2:9KJV)
When the world sees these new wine miracles manifest, “andknew not whence it was,” there will be a great acceleration and increase ofharvest as the LORD is seen as the origin of these miracles. Many will callupon the Name of the Lord. I have been hearing for months that there will beshowdowns in the spirit as with Elijah and the prophets of Baal, where the firemiraculously burned the drenched wood toshow the power of the One True God! This is a year where God’s power willput His enemies to shame, and He will receive all the fame due His Name!
"This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana ofGalilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed onhim." (John 2:11 KJV)
This will be a year where extraordinary, spontaneous andunexplainable miracles will bring forth the Glory of God through sons anddaughters stepping out as their spirits are stirred in unexpected situations. Ihear, “My purified vessels have desired the beauty of My holiness. They turn awayfrom the trappings of the world, and through them My glory will be unfurled. Theirdesire is for Me alone; through them new wine will pour from My throne.”