On December 7, 2019 my husband and I were sitting on ourporch seeking the Lord, and praying. I looked up and saw something I’ve neverseen before and knew it had meaning. Our house is on the edge of a canyon.About 100 yards away, a very large number of doves were perched on a fence,facing us. I got my binoculars and counted them. There were 26! This wasastonishing; we’ve lived here nine years and never seen more than a few dovesat a time (five at most). Over the course of the approximately 30 minutes theywere here, some left and some arrived, but the number stayed around 26.
About 15 minutes into this encounter, a large hawk flew intoa tall evergreen tree, also facing us, about 30 feet directly above the doves.The hawk did not try to attack the doves during the whole time it was here. Thiswas peculiar; hawks are birds of prey and attack doves!
The presence of the Lord was verystrong during this time, and we were both hearing Holy Spirit speaking. One clearwitness to both of us in the doves seemingly invisible to the hawk, was that itwas as if the hawk recognized, and was a part of, the higher purpose at work. Weboth heard, “When you are moving in My purpose, no weapon formed against youwill prosper.” It also seemedas if they were watching us. HolySpirit reminded me of this verse:
"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” (2 Chron. 16:9(a), KJV)
Since then I have been seeking the Lord and studying as He leads,and believe He is revealing a glimpse into what He is bringing forth in thedays ahead. On Christmas Day 26 doves appeared again, confirming to me thesignificance of what the Lord is saying.
Biblically, 26 is a significant number. According tobiblestudy.org:
YHWH - The values of the Hebrew letters forYHWH, when added up, equal 26.
GOD - The values of the English letters for GOD,when added up, equal 26.
JESUS BAPTIZED – many scholars and researchersbelieve John baptized Jesus in 26 A.D.*
12/7/19, the date of our encounter, was also the date ReinhartBonnke passed into heaven. At the time we didn’t know that, but we did sense asignificant shift spiritually.
We have entered 2020, a double number year. In Strong’sConcordance, 2626 in Hebrew is a word meaning strong and mighty. 2626 in Greekis to inundate, overflow; an outpouring.
I decree that 2020 will be a year where the LORD GOD –YHWH - will be seen as strong and mighty in the earth. We will see an increaseof evidence of God’s sovereignty, just as we saw the hawk and doves seeming toanswer to God’s ruling in His sovereign purposes. There is coming forth a greatexpression of the sovereign rule of God that will confound those who areconsidered wise and powerful in the world.
When John the Baptist baptized Jesus, Holy Spirit in theform of a dove landed upon him and a voice from heaven spoke to confirm Jesusas God’s Son (Matt. 3:16-17). In GenesisChapter 8, during the great flood, Noah sent forth a dove to see if any landhad appeared. The dove returned with an olive branch, representing peace withGod and new beginnings.
I declare to you that the old season has ended. HolySpirit is moving, and God is making Himself known. Structures of darkness areshifting. I declare even now tearing of the veil that has kept people fromseeing He is Lord of heaven and earth. Many that have been bound and heldcaptive are coming into the light of day, for new beginnings are at hand. I seegraveclothes being shaken off and new garments being given. Step forward boldly into your new assignments,for the new day is at hand! Receive all that the Father has for you by faith!
Hawks are birds of prey with keen eyesight – their vision is20/2 (eight times more accurate than 20/20)! According to Watson’s Biblical andTheological Dictionary, hawks are birds of passage, whereby they know times andseasons (Job 39:26). We sensed strongly that the hawk knew it was not time toattack, nor could it, for God’s purpose was in operation. I believe the Lord is saying that He isreleasing to the Body of Christ great discernment of His times and seasons; weare to watch faithfully and obey His instruction.
Hawks are very territorial, representing gatekeepers. Doves are normally ground dwellers. Thesewere elevated on the fence, lined up like sentinels, seeming to watch and guardthe area.
"For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey,who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man hiswork, and commanded the porter (gatekeeper) to watch." (Mark 13:34KJV, synonym/emphasis added by me)
I sensed the Holy Spirit strongly saying, “Tell My peopleto pay attention – there is a war for the destiny of nations. By My Spiritbuild spiritual walls, and you will see structures of darkness fall. I amcalling forth My watchmen and My keepers of the gates; rise up from yourslumbering state! Arise, gather, and get in position! I will release wisdom andgive you new vision. Look and see; declare and decree!”
The doves and hawk seemed to be in one accord - in unity –as if they were all there for the same purpose. Holy Spirit reminded me of oneof the shocking accounts He had me include in “Moses – Shocked in the Desert”that relates to this encounter. In 1 Kings 13, a prophet was disobedient to theinstruction of the Lord, led astray by an older prophet who had a seeminglyhigher level of authority. The disobedient prophet was killed by a lion. It stoodby the prophet’s body afterward; it did not devour the body, nor did it attack theprophet’s donkey which also stood by the body. They were on assignment together.
It is imperative that we know God, hear His voice forourselves and obey His instruction explicitly. He is releasing great ability todiscern His voice, His times and seasons. He is calling His Body to recognize Hisauthority and submit to His headship. It is time to let go of personal preferences,comparison and hierarchical structures that have nothing to do with the Kingdomof God. We are to be led by the Spirit and submit one to another as He leads.
I declare that in this coming year, there is going tobe a move of Holy Spirit such as we have never seen. There is a gatheringanointing that has been released that is shaking off the separation amongmembers of the Body of Christ, for the Father says now is the time for abreaking of strongholds of division. I decree the Unity of the Spirit in thebond of peace; receive the anointing for great release!
Look and see, declare and decree! There are angels amassingto cover, defend, and further the work of the Lord, waiting for the release ofHis word! (Ps. 103:20-21)
Take courage and have bold faith! Watch as God makes Himselfknown as the strong and mighty One, the sovereign Lord over all creation! Thesupernatural power of God will be seen as He makes Himself known as defender ofHis people and His purposes, just as He sent the cloud to protect and guide theIsraelites from the Egyptians on their journey. (Ex. 14:20) No weapon formedagainst us shall prosper! The battle is the Lord’s! (2 Chron. 20:15)
I see and declare angels are amassing and theresources of heaven and earth are opening to you as you heed the call of Godand step into your new assignments! I decree a veil over the eyes andblocking the ears of the enemy. Their schemes will be of no avail; we can trustthat God’s plans will not fail! I declare to you the sovereignty of God andLordship of Jesus Christ to be made manifest in your circumstances; I decree yourfaith is being activated right now and the voices of fear and negativity aresilenced! You are a carrier of the Glory of the Lord; let His presence,authority and power reign! Move forward at His word into your new assignmentswith boldness and confidence, in full peace, resting in this knowledge: theenemy can no longer devour when the name of the LORD is your strong and mightytower!
"Remember the former things of old, For I am God, andthere is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end fromthe beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, 'Mycounsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,' Calling a bird of preyfrom the east, The man who executes My counsel, from a far country. Indeed Ihave spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will alsodo it." (Isaiah 46:9-11 NKJV)
*(see https://www.biblestudy.org/beginner/learn-basic-bible-timeline/introduction.html for more information on this).
January 2, 2020