The Lord has been speaking to me lately about the adversaries at the gates, and the subtle maneuvers of the enemy.  We are on the precipice of a great move of God, and the enemy wants to subvert us from God’s purpose and timing! Specifically, the Lord has been emphasizing the need to be discerning and recognize the enemy’s tactics to “bless” us by subversion and/or taking a shortcut.

Holy Spirit reminded me of a dream I had some months ago. In the dream I was on the top floor of a two-story building with expansive windows. It was very dark outside, and I could see the endless night sky full of stars with such depth that I was overwhelmed with wonder. I saw a vast expanse of mountains covered with pure white snow, crystalline and shimmering in moonlight, with a river of fire flowing through the snow but the snow was not melting. As I gazed upon this, the sense was that I was on holy ground and witnessing a sign and wonder. I knew that only God could have orchestrated such an event.

I turned around and saw that I was in what seemed to be a museum or showroom with displays of the world’s finest jewels, gems and minerals. The beauty and intricacy of these precious creations was overwhelming. The room was filled with men and women enjoying a party of some kind, perhaps a grand opening of the museum. They were obviously well-to-do by their attire, and carried an air of importance, honored among their fellows. They were very friendly and welcoming to me, so it seemed I was known and had clearly been invited to the event

.I wandered around, looking at the displays and watching the people. I had the sense that I was looking for something or someone. I knew that I was supposed to be there, but I discerned that it was not as it seemed on the surface. I was aware that I was on a divine assignment, but I did not know exactly what I was supposed to do or who I was supposed to see, only that this was a divine appointment.

As I walked through the room, I saw a woman who I knew from my previous career with a small group of women. She was pleased to see me and invited me to join her. She said they were going to a party being held in another area of the building, and told me to follow her, that it was the quickest way. I wondered if this was what the Lord wanted, if joining her was my purpose, but sensed that it was not. I told her, thank you, but I was going another way.

I was uncertain where I was supposed to go, but I kept walking the way I felt led, sensing that I would know when I arrived.  I came to a door and knew I was to go through it. The door opened to a stairway and I went down the stairs, then came to another door. I opened the door and walked through, and there was a hallway. As I walked down the hallway, I heard many voices and there was an open door. I walked into the room and knew this was my appointment.

A woman I did not know was standing on the far side of the room and surrounded by people praying for her. I felt the pulling of the Spirit and went over to her, laid my hand on her shoulder and began praying. I was groaning in my spirit and began praying in tongues. Then I heard and said to her, “Sometimes you have to travel far and wide to get to your destination.” She fell out in the Spirit and was immediately healed and delivered.

The woman I knew from my previous career walked into the room with her friends. She seemed surprised to see me there, perhaps because she took the “shortcut.” The people in the room began to set in order the event that was to occur. My friend asked me to stay, that it would be a great party. I declined; I knew I had fulfilled my assignment and it was time to go.

As I pondered this dream, I asked the Lord what it was about. What I heard was that this dream is meant to encourage, and also to warn. Many are in a place of transition, an unfamiliar place where He is leading us forward, yet we have not heard clear direction for the intended destination. The snow and fire in the dream represents His holiness and purity. The fire of the Holy Spirit will purge us of unholy desires, and all mindsets based on control.

The woman from my previous career represents the status and prestige of worldly position, and the accoutrements of success. As we journey with Him, along the way we will see things of great beauty and wonder, treasures greater than any we have ever seen. We will be leaving our comfort zones, and may travel through places that seem to offer everything we think we have wanted in our hearts – status, comradery, wealth and beauty. There will be a temptation to settle for a life of enjoyment of temporal blessings. We know that God wants to bless us, but His ways and timing are critical for manifestation of His Kingdom. There is a temptation to take a shortcut or settle for blessing through the world’s ways.

I heard the Lord say that many have travelled far and wide in the Spirit, following the leading of His presence and inner promptings, and He will be opening doors to places of divine appointment. Others feel they have travelled far and wide in their lives to this point and now God has called them forth from what they have known; it is a new season and they aren’t sure where they are going. Some have been in a dry season for a long time, in a transition that seemed endless, going through many doors and hallways, and not seeing fruition of promise.

I hear the Lord saying, “I have saved the best for last. This will be a time of unprecedented signs and wonders and you have had to go through my purifying fire to release the power in fullness for the time at hand. You have traveled far and wide, building a relationship with me of such depth and communion that I know I can trust you for the release of My Glory in the earth. You have been forged in the fire, purified from unholy desire, as I have prepared you to be a holy vessel for My use in these last days.”The enemy will bring a temptation at the gate of new lands, usually right after we receive a word from the Lord that is to carry us by faith into the land of promise. Abraham was in process of the manifestation of the promise God had given him of endless generational blessing (Gen. 13:14-18).

Melchizedek appeared to Abraham and told him that he was blessed by El Elyon, the Most High God, possessor of heaven and earth. Melchizedek had no father or mother, seemed to appear out of nowhere. We are told he was King of Salem (Peace) and Priest of the Most High God, and he gave Abraham bread and wine. Many believe Abraham was visited by the pre-incarnate Christ. Abraham gave him tithes (never before done or mentioned). I believe this was an act of covenant, recognizing the need to give something of himself to become one with the promise. Many have a revelation of giving (planting seed) into the words that we receive from the Lord and standing in faith until the manifestation of those promises.

The King of Sodom was standing there and immediately tempted Abraham, offering him spoils from the recent war they had won, which Abraham by all worldly rights was due. Abraham refused, wanting only to receive blessing from God, and to not let anyone think his blessing came from the King of Sodom and the ways of the world. (Gen. 14:21-24)

Jesus faced a similar temptation in the wilderness. Jesus had just been baptized by John and a voice from heaven spoke, “Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The Spirit then led Him into the wilderness to be tempted. One way He was tempted was by satan offering Him the kingdoms of this world. These kingdoms are rightly due Jesus, but it was not God’s timing or his ways to receive it by satan.

This is a time where we follow closely the leading of the Holy Spirit and go alone at times. Doors will open as we are willing to forgo the riches of the world and pleasures of this life, seeking only the presence of the Almighty One, and His perfect timing of blessing. It is important to recognize that the enemy will come in subtle ways, trying to subvert God’s Kingdom. Two ways he does this is by trying to get us out of God’s timing and/or using worldly ways to accomplish what God wants to do supernaturally.

We are passing over into a new season, into a new land, an unfamiliar territory but one in which our innermost being will recognize; trusting in God completely we will fulfill His divine appointments. This is a time to be willing to travel far and wide at the prompting of the Holy Spirit, trusting His leading and following closely. He is with us and is bringing us into that place of divine appointment – one with Him, bringing His presence where He leads, and providing the resources we need along the way. It is important to recognize the subtlety of temptations that will come as we move forward.

I heard the Lord say, “The treasures and riches the world will provide, are nothing compared to what I have for my Bride. Your eyes have not seen, nor have you heard by your ear, what I have in store as you follow near. Seeking my presence will always bring far more than you sacrifice in offering. Do not be swayed by worldly ways, nor by the flattering of worldly praise, keep your heart pure as upon Me you gaze. All things are mine, and mine to give. Walk with me closely and follow My lead and you will receive all that you need.”

“By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” (Hebrews 11:8-10, KJV)

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” (Rom. 8:14)


